These “Morris” commericals are old, some very old, but I still like them.
Morris the cat – 9-Lives with Parrot
9 Lives Morris the Cat 1982
by Retrontario
These “Morris” commericals are old, some very old, but I still like them.
by Retrontario
How many people have heard of a Ragdoll cat? When I thought of a Ragdoll, it was always Andy and Annie, the dolls. My mother made a pair once and I watched her. Interesting, but I would never go to the trouble of making a doll. I wouldn’t even want to own one. Enough said.
Back to cats. What is a Ragdoll cat. It’s a breed of cats that have blue eyes and mostly white background. Oh, hell. Here’s a picture.
This is Annie Renfield Hinkle and she is a tri-colored Ragdoll and this little girl is mine.
More information on Ragdolls:
Check this out:
This might look like a cat toy, but it’s a mat off of Sophie, my new calico cat. It took me six weeks of nightly groom to get this giant mat off her chest.
I’m taming Sophie at night by giving her treats, playing with her and grooming her, too.